The Citadel
Directed by Fabrizio Costa
Based on Cronin’s famous novel, The Citadel doctor who fights to improve the conditions in Ireland’s mines in the mid 1920s. Outraged by the inhumane conditions of the mines and the variety of illnesses that his patients suffer, Andrew takes up their cause. In his struggle to alleviate the horrible conditions in the mines, Andrew finds himself caught in the midst of a political power struggle.
Original Title
- Italy
- 2002
- 4 x 90 min.
- Italian
- Massimo Ghini
- Barbara Bobulova
- franco Castellano
- TV Series
- new films
- all films
- Action
- Adventure
- Biographic
- Black Comedy
- Cartoons/Animation
- Comedy
- Coming of Age
- Crime
- Docufilm
- Documentary
- Drama
- Erotic
- Erotic Comedy
- Family
- Fantasy
- History
- Horror
- Music
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- Mystery
- Noir
- Peplum
- Post-Apocalyptic
- Religion
- Romance
- Romantic
- Sci-fi
- Thriller
- Truecrime
- TV Doc Series
- TV Series
- War
- Western / Spaghetti Western
- Young Adult

Friendly Foes
Maurizio Nichetti

Marco Perego

Ice Skater
Taavi Vartia

Close To Me
Stefano Sardo

Django Undisputed
Claudio Del Falco

The Negotiator
Alessandro Tonda