Minerva Pictures International


Directed by Fabio Carpi

Having won the Nobel Prize, old famous writer Alberto begins his journey towards glory from Italy to Sweden by car, with Alessandro, his young companion, a journalist who has the duty to interview him daily. The woman Alberto loved (and who many years previously his egoism caused him to abandon) returns repeatedly during solitary moments to haunt him. She is evoked in all her youthful beauty as he yearning attempts to repossess what he has lost. But it’s only a dream – or a regret- that he holds in this arms. For Alessandro the journey is an initation into the mysteries (and sacrifices) of literature. For the more mature Alberto it is the discovery of a richness of life – force – something he has consistently repressed during his long, egotistical life – as seen through Alessandro’s rapacious eyes. The encounters, the clashes between two men distanced by so many years, their reciprocal incomprehensions, the jealousies, the rows, the separations, their falling in love with the same woman (although in a totally different manner) form the fabric of a story that is rich in dramatic turn of events and is always played on the knife-edge of irony.

Original Title

  • Italy, Denmark, France, Hungary
  • 2001
  • 110 min.
  • Italian


  • Hector Alterio
  • Stanislas Mehrar
  • Giovanna Mezzogiorno


  • Drama
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