Minerva Pictures International

LÀ-bas – A Criminal Education

Directed by Guido Lombardi

Castel Volturno, 30 km from Naples. A Camorra commando breaks into a tailor’s shop managed by African immigrants, wildly shooting and killing six black men. Yssouf, a young immigrant, thus decides to break with his uncle Moses, who after promising him a better future in Italy as an honest artisan turned him into the cynical leader of the local coke-dealing scene. The young Germain, the singer Asetù and the prostitute Suad round out this story blurring fiction and reality, which seems like the pages of a contemporary crime novel on a contemporary man trapped in a daily struggle for survival.

Original Title

  • Italy
  • 2011
  • 100 min.
  • Italian


  • Kader Alassane
  • Moussa Mone
  • Esther Elisha
  • Billi Serigne Faye


  • Action
  • Drama
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