Directed by Eros Puglielli
The adventures of a man, Anselmo (Luca Argentero), who lives his childhood dream and becomes Copperman, a superhero dressed with a funny copper armor and rollerblades.
The film revolves around the topic of autism, to tell as an element of diversity might turn into an advantage.
Forrest Gump meets Amelie in a touching fairy tale for everyone.
Festivals & Awards
Los Angeles - Italia 2019: Italian Cinema Today
Russia-Italia Film Festival RIFF 2019
BIFAN 2019: World Fantastic Blue
ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2020
Fiesta, Festival del Cinema Italospagnolo a Palma de Mallorca 2019
Original Title
- Italy
- 2019
- 99 min.
- Italian
- Luca Argentero
- Galatea Ranzi
- Gianluca Gobbi
- Tommaso Ragno
- Antonia Truppo
- Adventure
- Drama
- Family
- new films
- all films
- Action
- Adventure
- Biographic
- Black Comedy
- Cartoons/Animation
- Comedy
- Coming of Age
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- Docufilm
- Documentary
- Drama
- Erotic
- Erotic Comedy
- Family
- Fantasy
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- Peplum
- Post-Apocalyptic
- Religion
- Romance
- Romantic
- Sci-fi
- Thriller
- Truecrime
- TV Doc Series
- TV Series
- War
- Western / Spaghetti Western
- Young Adult

Friendly Foes
Maurizio Nichetti

Marco Perego

Ice Skater
Taavi Vartia

Close To Me
Stefano Sardo

Django Undisputed
Claudio Del Falco

The Negotiator
Alessandro Tonda